Get Started
image of football club software on a mobile phone

Book A Free Demo

This is an opportunity to discuss the pain points for your club and align them with our software solutions. We’ll take you through a bespoke demo and focus on the elements that will help your club as well as show you the system in action!  When you’re satisfied we can offer you a better way to manage your club we’ll get you signed up and introduced to our technical team and your account manager to start your onboarding process!
TeamFeePay customer support team

Meet Your Team

When you sign with TeamFeePay we become part of your team. As part of your onboarding, you’ll meet with your technical advisor who will build your payment plans and introduce you to your account manager who will work with you to build a bespoke plan to help you generate income for your club across memberships, fundraising, club shop and club development.  Your account manager will be on hand to answer any queries for you and your members.
image of football club admin using football club management software
less admin & MORE FOOTBALL

Kick-Off Time

Once you onboard it’s time to invite your members to register, you can then enjoy automated payment collections, easier communication, digital fundraising, an online club shop and club development advice and guidance.  Plus we’ll keep in touch regularly to support you with your plan to ensure you meet your club goals and boost income.  Book your free demo today!

Trusted by football clubs across the UK & Ireland